Neil Whitney:
Co-founder, Menud
About Neil Whitney:
Areas of Expertise:Fundraising, Healthcare, Marketing
I love deep thinking. I love getting to the root of a problem. And I’m a firm believer in first principles thinking.
Throughout my career in the Army, in the Intelligence Community, at Apple, and in my own venture, Menud, I’ve worked to solve hard problems that affect people’s everyday lives. To that end, I enjoy creating things that simplify decision making. When we can reduce the noise and friction in life’s simpler decisions, we shore up time to tackle harder problems.
But solving problems cannot happen in a vacuum. I’ve learned throughout my career, and I love sharing those lessons with young innovators.
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Neil Whitney Q&A:
The opportunity to work with energetic innovators on the projects they are pursuing.
Helping innovators define real problems that deserve solutions… and avoiding the pitfalls of creating for the sake of creating.
Standing in a room with my project team at Apple as Tim Cook released Apple Watch to the public. My team was essential to the launch of that iconic product.
Learning that great professionals do not always make great entrepreneurs.
Absolutely. I’ve served in the Army and for the Intelligence Community. I created teams and products at Apple. And now I’m building a platform that can improve the health and wellness of millions of people. Its been a winding road; but, I wouldn’t have changed anything.
Finding the win-win-win in relationships.
I wanted to work for CIA.